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Throat Singing/Vocal Activation Workshop

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Kelowna Forum , 1317 Ethel Street, Kelowna, BC V1Y 2X1

The human voice is the ultimate tool for transformation through sound.

Many have shut down their voice, unable to speak their truth in uncomfortable situations.

In this playful full day immersion Matthew will reveal the secrets of how to create multiple harmonics at one time with your voice - for healing, meditation and enhanced awareness.

Making friends with your voice will free up immense energy in your life.

From a recent participant:

" Something with this throat chakra activation really opened something up inside myself... Truly amazing things are happening in my life."

More than a workshop, this is an immersion into the field of harmonic sound.

Through sonic transmission and simple, fun exercises that you can practice at home, you will learn to make amazing sounds and experience vibrational attunement with your surroundings.

This will be a day that you will never forget.

Based on past experiences, SOME people will even be able to create the Tibetan/Tuvan deep harmonic sound by the end of the day!

A new realm of experience through sound and frequency awaits you.

Class size is strictly limited. Prepaid registration is required to attend.

To save on Eventbrite fees and pay via interac etransfer, send $126 (incl GST) to matthewkocel@gmail.com

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